Latin Sailing Association Els Peixcadors Calendar 2018

Sailing, which was the main working tool and means of transport in L'Albufera, with the arrival of automotive and the backbone of rural roads around the lake, was being reduced to a picturesque object for afternoons of walk for tourist or folk purposes.

The centuries-old boats and barges that had given life to so many families around the lake, were forgotten once they lost their practical function. The traditional forms of navigation, and the craft trades that maintained them were becoming extinct.

Pot ser que la nostàlgia per tanta bellesa com despleguen les veles llatines sobre el mirall de l’Albufera va mourer a recuperar el seu ús, ara com a pràctica esportiva. J a fa 40 anys que algú va organitzar el primer repte fora del context de treball. Aquell a veure qui arriba primer’ que tantes vegades s’haurà repetit en acabar una dura jornada, apurant les últimes forces!

From that moment until the current exhibitions and until the Latin sailing school, the road has been long and laborious, but logical and necessary.

Turning sailing into a sport means the recovery of boats and their traditional equipment. Requires training, and a schedule for testing. It makes it necessary to interest a lot of people, public and private entities, gain media support, and more.

The exhibitions of the Catarroja Fishmongers are made according to a calendar presented each year. In 2018 we will leave our Port on: May 12, June 9th i July 14.