Presentation and first day of the 7th Course

Presentation and first day of the 7th Course

Un dels millors èxits de l’Escola ha estat vèncer l’escepticisme i atraure la gent gran i els joves El 7è curset ha començat amb una notícia que fa vuit anys semblava impossible: La suma de Pep “El Papet” als col•laboradors de l’organització de...
7th Basic Beginner's Course

7th Basic Beginner's Course

Falten pocs dies perquè es complisca un altre aniversari d’aquell començament fallit, quan ningú esperava encara una pandèmia que ens deixaria paralitzats. El 6é Curset es va veure malmés en els seus inicis. Hui ens ompli d’alegria presentar-vos el 7é...
We are already preparing the 7th Curset!

We are already preparing the 7th Curset!

Sign up! To pre-register, send an email with your details or call or WhatsApp. Shortly we will contact you. The 6th Curset was the longest in history. Two years that have left a mark with very strong emotions. But also with...
Finally, paint as we wanted

Finally, paint as we wanted

This finally looks the way we wanted. A boat crosses across with Tono's boat and climbs on top of it. It is certain that the pandemic has changed the world, including the ecosystem of the Port of Catarroja. I know because there are already students from the course who stay and they are the ones who...
Press Releases 2022

Press Releases 2022

We are in the news in ValenciaExtra and in the newspaper Levante. The Valencian press covers the success of the 6th Course of the Escola del Port de Catarroja. It is nice to receive social recognition when you have worked hard to achieve your goals. Beyond the award that...